Event: The Ups and Downs of Breeding – Randy & Joyce Foultz


Up until about 5 ½ years ago Joyce never owned a bird in her life, nor did she ever think that she  would.  She met Randy at the end of August in 2014. When he told her that he had birds, she was surprised! Her first thought was “Why birds”?  Other than her step father owning a little bird when she was younger, Joyce never really knew anyone who had birds nor did she ever understand why someone would want a bird.

She learned a lot from Randy about birds as time went on, but only the bigger birds, the Cockatoos, a Conure and an African Grey because that is what he had and talked about most.  He had others, mostly Cockatiels that she  knew about.

Down the road Joyce found out that he had other big birds, but never knew about them because he had rehomed them.  She was first introduced to Love Birds and Parrotlets about 3 ½ yrs. ago when his friend was rehoming all of hers and they went to see what she had. They came home with a Love Bird, a handicapped Parrotlet, and two breeding pairs of Love Birds.  Joyce got a crash course on breeding them, hand feeding, and caring for them from Randy.

The rest she learned on line over time and by reading books. From there, the rest is history and will be told at the presentation.