Rickie Freedman is a Reiki Master/Teacher and Physical Therapist. Her focus is the integration of complimentary healing with traditional healthcare. Her specialty is “Reiki by Rickie – Gentle Touch, Deep Healing”. Reiki sessions are DEEPLY relaxing and heal at the SOURCE of stress. These sessions may also include “Intuitive Personal-Growth Guidance”, Therapeutic Aromatherapy Massage to specific areas, Indian Head Massage, Chakra foot Massage, ReikiSound and more. In addition to pain and stress management, Rickie’s expertise includes working with addictive behaviors, children, elder adults and terminally ill clients.
Rickie teaches Reiki classes of all levels including “Reiki for Healthcare Professionals” and ReikiKids, and conducts workshops including Introduction to Reiki, Stress Management, “Power of a Positive Attitude”, “Choosing Peace in Challenging Times”, “Follow your Heart, AND do it Smart!”, and Chakra Healing and Balancing. Rickie brings a positive, joyous, loving attitude and a calming energy to all her work.
Rickie offers “Follow your Heart, Do it Smart!!” Mentoring for Healthcare Professionals, Holistic Healers and Small Business Owners who desire to keep Heart and Service first!